Hi, my name is

Fj Vincent.

I build algorithms that predict like a wizard! 🧙‍♂️

A passionate machine learning enthusiast. With a dash of data and a sprinkle of algorithms, I craft AI solutions that bring dreams to life.

About Me

I am a computer engineering student with a passion on data science and machine learning. I have a background in mathematics, programming, and statistics and I have honed my skills in various machine learning techniques, such as supervised and unsupervised learning, deep learning, and computer vision.

Moreover, I also have a strong interest in cloud computing, data engineering, and big data. I am currently taking my undergraduate degree at Technological Institute of the Philippines, Quezon City.

Here are a few technologies I've been working with recently:
  • Python
  • SQL
  • Jupyter Notebook
  • Pandas
  • Numpy
  • Matplotlib
  • seaborn
  • scikit-learn
  • Keras
  • Tensorflow
  • OpenCV
  • Beautiful Soup
  • Selenium
  • Git
  • Flask
  • Django


Machine Learning Intern - Ramcar Technology Incorporated
Feb 2023 - July 2023

Worked as a project-based machine learning intern at RAMCAR in Santa Maria Bulacan, Philippines.

  • Developed a 95% accurate machine learning model to detect anomalies in automotive battery manufacturing machines using ultrasonic signals.
  • Developed a noise filter algorithm to enhance accuracy in condition-based assessment of machines by eliminating unwanted noise from ultrasonic signals.
  • Collaborated with clients and domain experts to meet project requirements and objectives.
  • Worked with the development team to integrate the model and noise filter algorithm into a full software solution for implementation.


CAQAO: Cacao Quality Assessment using Object Detection
Kotlin Pytorch YOLOv5 Flask REST-API
CAQAO: Cacao Quality Assessment using Object Detection
A mobile application for cut test quality assessment and bean grading of cacao beans using deep learning and object detection.
CAQAO-REST-API and YOLOv5 Training and Evaluation
Postman Pytorch YOLOv5 Flask REST-API
CAQAO-REST-API and YOLOv5 Training and Evaluation
A Flask REST API server for serving a YOLOv5 model for the CAQAO mobile application.
Multivariate Time Series Electricity Consumption Forecasting (IEEE)
Python NumPy pandas Matplotlib Seaborn Statsmodel scikit-learn Tensorflow
Multivariate Time Series Electricity Consumption Forecasting (IEEE)
Promoted energy conservation by developing machine learning model to forecast daily-average electricity consumption patterns of a residential household.
CNN Transfer Learning TensorFlow ResNet50 Matplotlib scikit-learn NumPy OpenCV Web scraping
A machine-learning model that classifies images of tomato-based Filipino dishes (Kaldereta, Afritada, Menudo, and Mechado) that are commonly confused with one another by Filipinos.
DishIsEat!: Filipino-based Recipe Recommender System
Beautiful Soup Selenium Web scraping Python Matplotlib scikit-learn NumPy Pandas Jupyter Notebook
DishIsEat!: Filipino-based Recipe Recommender System
A recommender system for recommending relevant Filipino-based dishes to users based on the given set of ingredients and/or food allergens to consider when providing recommendations.
Fetal Health Classification
Python Grid Search Cross-validation Matplotlib scikit-learn NumPy Pandas Jupyter Notebook
Fetal Health Classification
Worked on a predictive model that classifies fetal health in order to prevent child and maternal mortality using Cardiotocograms (CTGs) data.
Kleas Web Application
Python Django SQL NumPy Pandas Plotly
Kleas Web Application
A responsive web application with web analytics for tracking sales and expenses of a clothing shop that lets the vendor digitally record, modify, and delete sales transaction and business expenses.
Malicious URL Classification
Python Flask Matplotlib scikit-learn NumPy Pandas Feature Engineering
Malicious URL Classification
A web application for classifying malicious URLs based on Lexical, Host-based, and Content Features of the URL and a logistic regression machine learning model.
Exploratory Data Analysis on Video Games Sales
Python Matplotlib seaborn NumPy Pandas Data Cleaning Data Analysis
Exploratory Data Analysis on Video Games Sales
An exploratory data analysis project on a video games sales dataset available from Kaggle.
Space Invaders
Python Pygame Object-oriented programming
Space Invaders
My first ever project and own game coded using Python language and Pygame framework.

Get in Touch

My inbox is always open. Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, I’ll try my best to get back to you!